Art Contest Celebrating Holyoke’s 150th

Art Contest Celebrating Holyoke’s 150th: Looking Back & Looking Forward
To celebrate the City of Holyoke’s 150th, Holyoke Preservation Trust in
collaboration with Holyoke Heritage State Park is calling all Pioneer Valley artists
to show their best artwork inspired by Holyoke’s history and/or vision for the city’s
future. Submissions must be delivered to Holyoke Heritage State Park by October 30, 2023. If chosen, it will be publicly displayed at Holyoke City Hall and for the
month of September at Holyoke Heritage Park. Selected winners will win:

Grades K-5 – $25 – $100
Grades 6-12 – $50 – $150
Adult – $50 – $200

Details and Brochure with application form can be found at

The Holyoke Preservation Trust is a non-profit organization working to preserve
Holyoke’s historic architectural heritage for present and future generations.
Holyoke’s historic architecture is a unique and valuable asset that we aim to save,
preserve and promote through advocacy, education and support programs.

Olivia Mausel, Treasurer
413-237-1950 (cell)
Jean Jonker, Clerk
413-335-3257 (cell)
Holyoke Preservation Trust