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Make Your Own Flying Fish

February 11, 2023 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

In this online class, learners will make a flying fish inspired by Japanese carp streamers, called koinobori, using basic craft items like glue sticks and gift tissue paper, with a cardboard toilet paper tube as the base, using whatever colors and materials they choose. This programming is funded by a grant from the Holyoke Local Cultural Council, a program of the Massachusetts Cultural Council. There is no cost to register. Registration includes a kit of basic supplies needed to complete the class as well as instructions in English and Spanish and any supplies you may need to provide (scissors or tape, for example). This supply kit is provided at no cost and will be available for participants to pickup at the Print Shop prior to the class meeting. Registration caps at 12 learners; the online link to join the class will be provided via email. If you have multiple learners in a household and would like each to have a kit, a registration must be completed for each learner. You are welcome to register one learner, receive one kit, and share supplies for multiple learners on a screen. These programs are designed for families to complete together.
